We all love fabric!
I have a ton in my shop on bolts, but I also have a fabric stash of my own that I absolutely adore.
A number of years ago I found myself having to go through my stash and toss a bunch of it away (boohoo!) because I hadn't taken good care of it. At the time, I didn't know how, but believe me, I found out quickly after that.
Fabric can stay usable for quite a long time when cared for properly. Here are some tips for you:
***Sunlight is NOT a friend to your fabric. At all. Sunny windows are terrible places for fabric to sit. Any light coming through your windows can compromise the quality of your fabric, so it's best to either keep curtains shut or stash your fabrics away from a window. Be sure to notice whether or not your curtains are thick enough to keep the sunshine completely away. The sunlight issue is an important one!
***Moisture is also not good for your fabric. A damp basement or any area where humidity persists is a no-no for storing your stash. Mildew is a possibility when there is moisture, as well as odors that are hard to remove.
***Keeping your fabric in an airtight container is not good for long-term storage. Plastic containers work well for a time, but be sure to let your fabric out to play once in a while. This will reduce odors and hinder any deteriortation of the fabric fibers.
So, taking all of this into account, the best place for your fabric is low-light, low-humidity, and a place where the air circulates a little bit. This will keep your stash in great condition for quite a long time.
My hope is that these tips help you. If you have anything to add, I would love to hear from you in the comments.
Have a great day!