Am I the only one who is totally ready to get into "organized" mode?
I LOVE summer, but once it gets to be this time of year, I am so over all of the free time and fun.
Don't get me wrong, I do love "fun". But there is such a thing as too much of it all at once! I need some order in my house!
We are still homeschooling this year, but we are adding two days a week at an exploratory school for my daughter. She is almost as excited as I am about this. The school has all of those fun, hands-on learning activities that I just don't have time for anymore, but that I feel are super important.
Also, two of my boys are moving out by the end of the month, so things they are a changin', and I want to figure out how this will all work.
So, one thing I am doing is getting serious about my schedule. Those two days that Aubry is gone are gonna be work only. And I will be able to get so much done. I am actually really excited about that.
Her and I will also be getting better about doing chores around the house. Chore time has been a little, shall we say, spotty over the summer to say the least.
Here is my partial solution:

I have been looking for a daily calendar page that had enough spaces for me to write out my day, but not so many spaces that it's totally overwhelming. It was hard to find something in the middle, but this one works well so far.
I love that there are three spaces for must-do things, but a bunch of spots for things I have to do at some point. That list is always pretty big for me and I will to have it all in one spot. I will use the little blank space on the right side for writing down my exercise goals for the day. I don't know about you, but I am much better about getting things done if they are written down on a list.
I bought this little page at ALL ABOUT THE HOUSE on Etsy for just a few dollars. Rachael was great to work with and she will customize your page will print and color, if you desire.
That's my start at gettin' it together. I still have a lot of planning to do, and once September is here, it's simply time to do it.
Can I secretly say that I can't wait for September for that reason?
Yes, I love my summer, but soon I will be ready for something new.
What about you? Are you feeling the itch to get organized?