It's going to take me at least an hour to clip all of the strings on these little blocks.
Oh, but I love them!
Rather than cutting 2-1/2" squares like the tutorial mentioned, I went with 1-1/2" squares. For some reason, the bigger squares made me feel like I needed to go for a full-sized lap quilt, when all I want is a mini-quilt.
For right now, anyway.
The blocks measure about 6", but I still have to trim the edges.
My plan was to sew these up at Quilt Guild meeting on Saturday, but icy roads kept me at home. I decided to keep it a sewing day, though.
And I am so glad that I did.
It was one of the most relaxing sewing days I have had in a long time. My daughter sat next to me and worked on her Valentine's box.
Kind of a perfect day, really.
I hope to be back with a finished mini-quilt soon. This one just keeps calling me back!