The last couple of years I have tried to find a source of grapes to make grape juice, but haven't come across anybody--until this year! A friend told me about a lovely lady who is unable to pick her grapes so she allows people to come by and pick in exchange for a few jars of grape juice or grape jelly, whatever is being made.
When we arrived it turned out her vineyard was picked almost clean, but the neighbor's vineyard was full of grapes--full!--and weeds. The weeds were as tall as me and I instanly regretted wearing shorts. Pants would have been more appropriate, but that's OK. My legs look like my 14 year old son's, all scratched up, but it just means that I am happy to have a ton of grapes.
I poured out one of the 24 bags that we picked and it overflowed my colandar. Three friends and I will be busily making grape juice this morning and afternoon while the kids do school and play.
A little hectic? Yes. But one of my favorite kinds of days.
I will let you know how many jars we get.
Did I mention that we may have overdone it?