On Fridays at our homeschool co-op I teach a sewing class for the girls. These girls are adorable and so creative and I smile looking at this picture thinking of their sweet personalities.
There are some who dive right in and do it their way. Others wait, wonder what I think and make sure they are doing everything just as I told them to. Still others surprise me with their creativity and the designs they come up with. I am pretty sure I have a couple of future crafter/designers in the group.
The girls are always pretty quiet during our sewing time, but once we clean up they go crazy. Really, these girls can bounce off the walls with some skill. What's funny is that every week they start lining up at the door to leave, just waiting for the bell to ring so they can run out into the hall to their next class. It cracks me up that their next class is in the same room, leaving them rather disappointed and, I am sure, with lots of energy for the next teacher.
This past week we finished up our cat-purses (inspired by Ellen's original design). I mistakenly thought these would take 2 weeks, but it took us 4 to finish. The girls were all quite happy with their finished products and proudly wore them for the rest of the day.
Next week we start our patchwork pillows and I can't wait to see what they come up with!