This weekend was my oldest daughter's bridal shower. Let me tell you, it is weird to be sitting there at the party, being the mom of the bride. I know this is such a cliche, but were did the time go? All of this comes so fast.
When it came time to talk about how we just "knew" that Danika and Luke were right for each other, it was wonderful to reflect on what God has done in bringing these two together. My hubs and I have prayed for our kids and their partners since they were small, and it is satisfying to watch this all come to life. Our family is growing and things are changing, and it is all so sweet.
My girl is not one for traditional shower fare, so we used our imaginations and did something fun. She told me very clearly that she refused to play any shower game that involved toilet paper bridal gowns or guessing how many kids the couple would be having. We went with a scavenger hunt. Here is our list of items that teams had to photograph:
1. Take a picture of someone on your team hugging a dinosaur
2. Take a picture of someone on your team doing a cartwheel on a brigde
3. Take a picture of someone on your team with a snowman
4. Take a picture of someone on your team doing the hokey-pokey in front of a red, white and blue building
5. Take a picture of someone on your team eating ice cream while skipping down the street
6. Take a picture of someone on your team interviewing someone on the street
7. Take a picture of someone on your team with their feet in the water
Obviously, the picture at the top is of our cartwheelers. Danika and her friend were full of enthusiasm, but short on technique. Thank goodness I didn't have to do that one!
Here I am as a skipping ice-cream eater:
The hokey-pokey girls. We got honked at by passing cars:
Our man on the street interview was with a mildly willing man who seemed embarased by the whole thing:
Ooooo, cold feet:
This is Danika's future mom-in-law with our snowman:
My sweet dino-hugger:
Fun stuff!
Now we are heading towards the wedding, 6 weeks away. There is much to do, but I have already purposed to enjoy it and make it special. No stress--or at least very little stress--will be a part of these preparations, and that's that. I just won't allow it.
Happy a great day!