It is sometimes necessary to step away from things in order to gather yourself together. Life's necessities were calling way too loud and draining the joy from my days. A few days to relax and smile and, yes, finish off my to-do list were the perfect solution.
Once in a while I find myself in a rut where I feel weighted and pressed down because there are too many options calling my name. "Simplify" is a lifestyle that I need to get back to, and the word "no" needs to become part of my vocabulary again. There are many good things in life to get involved in, but not all are going to bring balance or peace to my home. A heart pulled in too many directions can't properly focus on the important callings set before it.
Today I start at square one. My time is my own. Every time someone asks me to do something--whether it is an opportunity to help or to have fun--I will say "let me think about that and I will let you know". The important and necessary things in my life can't be crowded out by busy-ness, even if it is good and useful busy-ness. Even if saying the word "no" makes me feel guilty, I have to stick with this. When my spirit tanks, so goes those around me.
And besides, this is summer. Too many sunshine-y days have beckoned us outside, but busy-me has chosen to stay in and be, well, busy. Starting this morning, my choice is to live with peace and joy, and all of those supposedly important things that crowd my days can stay away.
Yes, they can stay far away.
I hope you have a joy-filled day!