***the sunshine. i really can't get enough of it!
***a planted garden. our big co-op garden still needs planting, but our small backyard plot is set.
***God's forgiveness
***new fabric lines coming soon. i feel like a kid in a candy shop waiting for all that loveliness to arrive!
***the slowing down of the school year. math and language. that's it!
***the thought of a summer vacation. who knows if it will happen this year, but dreaming about it is fun.
***a smaller waistline. the exercise is finally paying off!
***i know 3 of my forms for karate. testing is in the 3 weeks. this ignores the fact that after a 6-month break i have forgotten all of the previous forms--completely. my plan is to practice each one, every day. my motto is "i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". yes, i can do it!
What is making you smile today?