Our co-op garden is half planted. Today will be spent planting the rest. I need to carry a sign that says "plant it all or bust" because I am running out of steam. Weeds have been taking up lots of our time!
My friend's husband built these wonderful benches to sit on while we are weeding. They sure make the work easier. No more head-rushes from standing up too quickly and back-aches are down to a minimum. This is the kind of weeding I can handle!
Aubry decided to use the bench for some contemplative-snack time. I am not sure what was running through her head, but she was obviously feeling very wistful and introspective while I was taking pictures. Not one smile!
We do have some turnips or rutabagas growing nicely:
We don't know what they are because we forgot to write it down on the garden plan. I suppose that harvest-time will hold some surprises for us!
Have a great Monday!