Lately I have felt dissatisfied with my house. Not so much the actual house, but the way it is decorated. It feels out of date and not "me".
Let me say right here and now that I am not very good at decorating a house. It feels overwhelming to have so many walls and blank spaces to fill in an attempt to achieve loveliness. I prefer the simple route of leaving most of it blank, and when I do add something, it stays forever or at least until we move to another house.
Well, no more.
I have decided to add some beauty to my house, whether or not it matches what I already have. I want to surround myself with things that I love. I also want to do this on a thrift store/yard sale/antique store budget because that is all we've got!
My first additions are an adorable yellow apron--all perfectly handstitched--and a cute strawberry tablecloth that doesn't even fit my table, but it works for me. Both of these were inexpensive and they make me smile.
To me, that makes them worth every penny!