We have actual seeds planted in our garden now!
Radishes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, brussel sprouts, lettuce, spinach and peas are all in and ready to grow, grow, grow. Or at least I think that is what they are ready to do.
My gardening experience up to this point is limited to veggies like tomatoes and zucchini, so much of this is new to me. Honestly I have never even tasted a parsnips or a rutabaga and I not so sure that I want to. But I will because we planted a not-so-small crop of them both. I hear they are good in stews and soups.
Two little sweet-peas were in charge of planting our row of peas:
I love that they both wore green for occasion, even if it was not planned! For 40 feet of dirt, they dug and placed the seeds in the hole and gently covered them up so the seeds can warm up and shoot out leaves. These two will, of course, get to be the first snap-pea tasters in a couple of months.
At this point, I can hardly wait!