My gardening clogs have been hiding under the couch all winter long and I was very glad when I found them since today is gardening day. Onions and lettuces are popping up and we need to do some more planting as well as some weeding.
In an effort to further our co-op garden by keeping the deer from snacking on it while we are not looking, a friend and I drove to the zoo to purchase some zoo-doo.
"What is zoo-doo", you ask?
Well, zoo-doo is composted predator poop. Herbivorous animals such as hippos and elephants contribute to it, and apparently the deer can smell their scent and won't come near. Or at least that is the idea.
Zoo-doo is quite the bargain: $15.00 for our whole gardening season. This beats the motion-sensitive sprinkler system we were thinking of trying.
When we arrived at the zoo, Jamie the zoo-doo man, asked us if we were planning on going out to lunch or running any errands after leaving. Of course, we said "yes", and he suggested that would not be a good idea unless we didn't mind our car smelling like predator poop. Being that we were two moms with a free afternoon we risked it and all turned out fine. We didn't have to drive home with a brown cloud of stink in the car, although that might have made for a funny story, ya know?
Today is zoo-doo application day and I will be stopping at Walmart for a heavy-duty pair of plastic gloves. There is no way these hands are going to touch the doo. Actually I am considering letting one of my boys do it. This is one of those things that would be worth a small cash bribe, don't you think?