We have started work on our garden! Four families are officially taking part and we have almost 3,700 square feet of growing space to work with. That number scares me a bit, but our list of things to grow is huge, so it will come in handy, for sure!
Here is a view of the whole garden spot:
Last weekend we turned the whole thing by hand---BY HAND!---with the help of all the kids. I admit that they moaned a bit, but they went the distance and felt good about it when they were done.
This week we sprinkled the ashes from the burn pile on the soil. The boys found that taking a shovel-full and running with it provided even distribution:
The most exciting thing about the garden? The opportunity to work with friends to reach a common goal. We have agreed to put our friendship over any problems that come up (unfortunately that needs to be talked about!) and we will listen to each other and compromise whenever possible. I really think this can work and I am looking forward to a huge harvest of vegetables---and friendship!
Here is my most handsome gardener:
Isn't he just adorable?