We had a surprise visit from our daughter this weekend and it was great! She moved out a little over a month ago and I have been itching to see her, but she lives 5 hours away. When she left last month things were not on the best terms, and in fact they were pretty bad. This weekend was a great time of healing and restoration and I couldn't be happier with how our time together went. My thankfulness meter is high and I feel very hopeful for the our relationship in the future. Cutting the strings can be a difficult and painful process, but my heart is ready for what is ahead for us.
My sweet hubs wrote me a song for Valentine's Day. He was a bit shy about singing it to me, but I loved it. I wish I could put it on my IPod for those times when I need to be reminded of how important he is to me. Unfortunately I take him for granted sometimes.
We watched Fireproof this weekend and loved it. I wasn't sure what to expect and I wasn't in the mood for a cheesy, sappy movie, but this one was great and so full of encouragement for marriages. Whether your marriage is going great right now or whether you are struggling, I highly recommend this movie. Watch it with your spouse and talk about it when it is over. We even bought the Love Dare book and will go through the 40 days together. It has been a while since we have done a marriage study and I think this one will be quite helpful.
I feel very strongly that marriage is something that needs to be worked at consistently. It is too easy to let things slide and it is surprising how out of whack the relationship can become. Craig and I have had our share of problems--big ones--and we both know that hanging tightly to each other is the only way to make it through. Often we back away from one another when things feel tense or uncomfortable and we get busy with life. This is a terrible thing to do and we would both like to work on doing it differently. That was the gist of the movie--never leave you partner behind--and it hit close to home. In a good way.
Lots of good stuff around here this weekend.
I like when life plays out like that!