As soon as I posted on Friday I began to wonder how on earth I was going to come up with pictures of "me"! The problem was easily solved by asking my hubby to take some, and he did it like the dickens. In fact, he pretty much followed me around with a camera all weekend and kept taking pictures when I least expected it. I began to feel like I needed to be sure to lock the bathroom door, just to be safe!
His paparazzi style of getting the job done left me with some TERRIBLE photos, which will not be posted here today in the interest of saving my delicate sense of self esteem. Believe me when I say that I think I need to smile more often!
Thank you, Honey, for your sweet dedication to the job!
Let's start off in the video store. This was my first glimpse into the fact that I may have created a camera monster. I wasn't looking to be surprised by being photographed out in public. I was also surprised in the library, WallyWorld, and coming down the stairs in the morning in my PJ's. This is me:
This is also me at the Pueblo Chili and Frijole Festival:
Me again at the Chili and Bean Fest:
This is me picking out candy at WallyWorld. This is a borderline dirty look that says "you had better knock this off, Honey!":
This is me with my photog hubby at Karate testing on Saturday. He and my boys earned their brown belts while I took pictures of them on the sidelines (That's the way,u-huh u-huh, I like it!). This one was taken by a friend:
Now I am REALLY hoping that some of you will be playing along with me, and that I will not be the only one showing off my pictures! If you are posting your pictures on your blog, please leave your post URL in the auto-link below and that way lots of people can come by and see the real you!
I can't wait to see your lovely face!
Have a great Monday!