My hubs is a SUPER-COOL guy, as you can probably tell by this photo.
My kids and I work on a farm once a week and it turns out that one of the girls who works there also, has West-Nile Virus symptoms. I am, of course worried about this and am trying to figure out the best way to handle things. My thought is to get some deet-loaded insect repellant and call it good.
Not so for my hubs.
He has gone and bought all of us these fabulous--FABULOUS!--mosquito nets for our heads. And he seriously expects us to wear them. Have I mentioned that I take a teenager with me when we go?
He also bought some for my friend, Donna, and her four kids who work with us at the farm, and, yes, he expects them to wear the nets too.
I am thinking that I can't quite take this step without feeling just a bit like a nut, or at least looking like one.
These nets remind of The Boy in the Plastic Bubble gone portable. As if science has made it possible for him to be out in society, albeit with a weird capsule on his head.
I do love my hubs very much. Sometimes, however, I am not sure whether to laugh or cry at the things he does.
Have I mentioned that he doesn't go to the farm with us?
Ah, I love this guy!