This week's "Let's Get Real Monday" theme is My Town. Anywhere that you live has both it's good points and it's bad points, no place is perfect. Here in our little Colorado town the good definitely outweighs that bad, and I hope that is same for you no matter where you are at.
If you are playing along today please post your "My Town" on your own a blog and then leave your blog post URL in the auto-link below so that everyone can come by and say "hello"!
I am going to show you a glimpse of my town starting with the bad so that I can end on a good note!
First and foremost, I dislike that Walmart is just about the only shopping option here in town. Sure it is convenient and cheap, but I find myself getting dizzy in it's super-size, we've-got-it-all atmosphere. I only go into Wallyworld about once-a-month but even then I find myself happy to leave!
Another "bad" is our "greeter dinosaurs". On each end of town there is one of these overly colorful creatures welcoming everyone driving by. They signify our area's dinosaur-rich past, but no-one just driving through knows this so who knows what anyone thinks. It's embarrassing, I tell you!
Next up are our incredibly confusing signal lights that lead to the frontage roads. At this intersection I can go straight, turn left, turn right, turn right-left and right-right, which is a right-handed u-turn. Most residents know how to use these, but it is not uncommon to find a perplexed out-of-towner stuck at one of the these lights with no idea what to do. Our residents, however, are friendly enough to honk at people to let them know when it is time to scoot!
Now for the good:
I like being able to buy produce from people's home gardens and orchards. The town is dotted with homemade signs advertising apples, garden veggies, and other fruits. This is an inexpensive and fun way to chat with an experienced gardener.
We also have a nice little downtown. There is a small theater (with one movie to choose from), a used book store and a fabric store. My favorite thrift store is also downtown; it is run by the local Mennonite community and they use the proceeds from the store to foster-parent children whose parents are in prison. It feels good to spend money there!
I love our river and the riverwalk that runs beside it. We spend lots of time walking, biking and hanging out there.
The view from my driveway. I love it!:
The good and the bad. All of it makes our town complete.
We live in a great place to raise kids. There is a large homeschooling community here and lots of wonderful community events. We have an organic-CSA and a perfect little library. The cost of living is good and my hubby is able to run a small business.
I like it here!
***If you are playing along, please add your own blog-post URL below!