We have received an amazing 49 skirts! Thank you doesn't begin to express what Emily and I are feeling and thinking about the sewing seeds project. The best way for me to sum it would would be to say that we have been blessed by all of the women that have participated and prayed for this.
At this point I expect that we will meet our goal of 75 skirts, and we may even surpass it a little bit. Thank you for making this successful! I can't wait to post a picture of the lovely girls in their new skirts!
A group of ladies who mailed skirts this week enclosed a sweet note in their package and I just loved this part of it:
"You can't imagine how much joy it brought us to select beautiful fabrics and create these cute skirts, imagining them on twenty-five lovely girls. Would they laugh and smile when they recieve them? Will they twirl around? Will they feel special and pretty? These are all things that came to mind as they were created. Many prayers have been said over these skirts..."
The girls will be blessed indeed!
Thank you to Robin B., Autum, Denise, Stacy, Anita O., Morning Glory, Karen and Jolyn, who have sent the latest batch of skirts! All of the lovliness is stacking up!
***Oh, don't forget about Let's Get Real Monday! Hope to see you there!