...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. --Galatians 5: 22-23
...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion... --Phillipians 1:6
When I read over the list of the Fruits of the Spirit, it almost seems as if self-control is out of place. The other attributes on the list are so, well, spiritual, while self-control seems so contained and forced. At least it seems like that to me.
But, if you think about it, self-control is what makes it possible to actually get to some of the other things on the Fruit of the Spirit list. It's the attribute that allows me to step back, take a look at where I want to go, take a deep breath, and walk onto a new path.
"In order to practice self-control, we must have a goal. We must have something we are saying "yes" to, which necessarily comes with things that we must say "no" to." --Danny Silk
What am I saying "yes" and "no" to?
The longer I live, the more I realize that change requires a plan, and, for me, it requires a fairly detailed plan.
If I am going to pay off debt, HOW am I doing to make that happen?
If I want to have better relationships with my kids, WHAT does that look like?
Ultimately it comes down to "where am I headed and how do I get there"?
One of my goals for this year is to have a more successful business. I have a long list of things I want to do, but every one of them comes down to just one thing: SELF-CONTROL---I need to quit procrastinating and setting things aside because something fun or interesting is happening. It is a good thing to be a WAHM, but without a boss hovering over me and making sure I put in my 8 hours, that leaves ME to manage ME.
And Yikes! I have found that I am hard to manage!
"Self-Control removes the option of blaming others for our choices." --Danny Silk
Self-control helps me to keep the shoe on the correct foot---MY OWN! My desire to have a successful business is my gig, my responsibility, and eventually, my victory!
And the self-control that I walk in is what is going to direct me right where I want to be. It's only through this Fruit of God's Spirit that I can truly make the changes that will bring about my success.
TODAY'S TOPIC: WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR "YESES" and "NOS" FOR THIS YEAR? What do you need to yield to God in order to change the direction you are going?
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