Happy New Year! It's still cool to say that right? I mean we're only one week in.! Did you make any resolutions for the New Year? I didn't. I've broken every single one I've ever made, and often the very next day!
I chose instead, for 2014, to write out 14 things I'm Daring to Hope. I'm sure I could come up with 2014 things I'd like to see be changed, but I felt 14 was a more realistic number. :)
Hope, as a noun, is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. As a verb, hope is looking forward to with desire and reasonable confidence. Daring means adventurous courage, boldness, fearless! FEARLESS! I like that, because I think that I've always kind of identified with the Cowardly Lion. To have courage and be fearless sounds just amazing.
My two words for this year, from God, are 'engage' and 'consistency'. I need to consistently engage in what is right in front of me, fearlessly believing that what I want can be had. Step by step, moment by moment, choice by choice I can participate in shaping my destiny.
Oh, and my list of 14 things you ask? It contains most of the usual suspects on Resolutions, but with a twist, this year I'm not going to try to do it on my own, and fail. This year I'm going to do it with my best friend, God. I have a sense of reasonable confidence (hope) that I'll be more successful this year.