Are you as shocked as I am that we are already halfway through
Advent 2013? Where is the time going? The days and years seem
to be flying by at whiz bang speed. I find myself scrambling to keep
up. Do you?
As I surveyed the snow covered ground of our back property last
night and listened to the coyotes howl a mere 2 fields away, and
a short time later heard the dying cry of whatever they had captured,
it struck me that I have been living in fear of living.
Residing at the base of the Rocky Mountains opens up a whole other
world of things to be in fear of. Bears, mountain lions, a good-sized
river (which sadly has claimed lives since we moved here), and even
our, relatively safe, little town is trapped in bondage to drugs, alcohol
and complacency, which can be frightening as well. And, as I
mentioned, it snows and it's cold which gets icy and well, you know,
fear of accidents and falling down. The list can be endless.
But...there's the rub. I live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, close
to the Arkansas River and many beautiful parks and I have wonderful,
amazing friends and family and God's plan for my life being played
out, I attend a bible preaching, Jesus believing, Holy Spirit leading
fantastic church with a very eclectic, and lovely group of fellow
sojourners, and yet I fear.
Peace is the balm of Gilead needed for my soul. My mind will and
emotions at peace. Jesus said, In John 14, Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give to you. It is not as the world gives that I give to you.
Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not let it be afraid.
I think that must be why Paul exhorts us to shod our feet with
the preparation of the gospel (the glad tidings) of peace. (That
passes understanding!) I (we) don't have to live in fear if we
are living with the Prince of Peace who is living in us. He is
with us, wherever we walk, Emmanuel - God with us. Now,
that truth, right there, that's peace. And that peace feels a
whole lot better than the fear.
I wish you a very Merry, peace filled, Christmas..