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  • I am so glad you have stopped here at BEAUTY FROM ASHES.

    My purpose for this blog is to simply share my journey with you, in an effort to encourage you and to invite discussion. Please feel free to visit, comment and be a part of what's going on here.

    My desire is to encourage each other to turn our hearts towards our Father and trade the ashes of our lives in for beauty. He is able.

    Blessings to you!

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October 22, 2013



Always and Amen!

Tammy ~@~


So thankful that though my feelings change and are unreliable, God is steady and sure and constant!


In this world of microwave food and instant access, we have the misbelief that we won't have problems or they will be quickly solved because we belong to Jesus. It is so wonderful to have a God who is always with us and walks thru the stuff with us. Good word!

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