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  • I am so glad you have stopped here at BEAUTY FROM ASHES.

    My purpose for this blog is to simply share my journey with you, in an effort to encourage you and to invite discussion. Please feel free to visit, comment and be a part of what's going on here.

    My desire is to encourage each other to turn our hearts towards our Father and trade the ashes of our lives in for beauty. He is able.

    Blessings to you!

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January 08, 2013



Those are wonderful words. I am sorry to hear that you have had such a difficult several months. I hope you find your strength and dignity! I will keep you in my prayers.


Every Christmas we do this thing. It is with "stars" and there are about 50 or 60 different words on the front and an explanation of the stars on the back. Anyway, we sit around and cut these stars out for my sisters congregation and we each pick one for the year. Mine this year was Humble. Now this is something you may need, pass on to someone, help someone with, etc. Every year, it seems the right "word" has come into each of our lives. It is awesome. I am not sure if I have explained it well enough, but it is a great thing to do and one of our traditions. :) Thanks for letting me share.


This is so your year!!

It seems like you are already way deep into learning some wonderful lessons.

So, why don't you let us show you what you are to us. See, we already see the strenght and the dignity in you. We are just going to hold on to you until you see what we already see.


patti krueger

I feel Gods presence the most when going thru a difficult time. I know that he is always present, I just don't seek him as much when things are good, although I try to praise and thank him everyday.
I think prayer would be my word, I am trying to spend more time in prayer this year.


{{hug}} Though I am mostly a lurker, I have always loved your blog. I love the cloth that you choose for its beauty and colors. I have always though incredibly highly of you, and I am glad that you are choosing to too. :)


I think my word for 2012 would be "endured". But only by the grace of God.

My word for 2013 will be "light". So others can see Him through me.

Very excellent post.

Teresa in Music City

My word for 2013 is "Listen". I pray that you will grow in both Strength and Dignity as this year progresses and that the hard times will pass - for a while at least.


I can so relate to the words weakness, fear, doubt and insecurity. I'm astounded that at almost 43, I still struggle with who I am.


You remind me of strength and dignity.

lyn briggs

My word for the year is 'Go'. I was inspired by Philippians 3:13-14. "forgetting what is behind" - I've been allowing things in the past hold me back. This year I'm going to leave those things behind and "press on toward the goal to win the prize that God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus".

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