...whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things. ***Phil. 4:8
I have been walking towards having a more positive mindset in my life. There is so much written in God's word about anxiety, stress and sadness, and their relation to our thought lives.
Is it really possible to be in an extremely tough situation and still be positive, walk in peace, and possess joy?
I think "yes"!
And I think that part of my sucess comes from giving a "good report".
Back in the book of Numbers, twelve spies were sent into Canaan to check things out. They were going into the land that was promised to them to find out if taking it would be possible.
The verdict?
Ten spies came back and said "no way!". Two came back and said "heck yeah!".
And the two said "heck yeah", not because they were blind to the giants and all of the roadblocks in their way, but rather because they saw God's great power and His ability.
God had already promised the land to them.
The two spies chose to stand on God's promise and His provision, and they brought back a "good report".
What am I standing on when it comes to time to spy out my own personal Canaan? That place that God has promised to me. The place that God wants me to travel towards. The place where God will bless me. And the place that looks really scary and impossible to get to..
I need to look away from the difficulty, fix my gaze on my God, and let Him to the work.
In a very real sense, I need to let Him deal with my giants.
Do I always succeed in doing this?
No way!
Am I getting a bit better at it each day?
I sure am.
That good report. It's what helps me to keep moving in the right direction.
What about you? Is there a good report amidst your giants today?